Every person can take a next step in their faith!
Here at Crossview, we believe that we will become disciples of Jesus when we worship together, get in smaller communities (small groups), serve in our church, city and world, and give generously. We also are passionate about seeing our next generation grow in their faith! Learn more below.
We worship together and invite others to join us - In-Person and Online!
We believe that every person belongs in a smaller community.
We serve in our church, city & world.
We engage in radical generosity because we serve a God who is radically generous to us, provides for our needs, and shows us unending grace.
Corporate worship is a vital part of our spiritual growth. When we regularly gather with other believers, we can encourage others, be encouraged, and grow together in our common faith in Jesus Christ. We are designed to worship!
For thousands of years, believers have been gathering to worship God. The church gathers every seven days because this rhythm was established by God as something we need. Our worship gatherings are designed to be a place where God is worshipped and our friends are comfortable coming to explore faith in a God who loves them and sent His son to save them.
You'll find people of all different ages, backgrounds and life experiences at Crossview. It's very normal to see people wearing casual to dressy casual clothing. You can blend in and be comfortable here if you are visiting. Our services are thought-provoking, but easy to follow, and don't require "inside knowledge" for you to engage with them.
At no other time in recent history has community and connection been so important! Everyone has a need to know others and be known. Small groups are the best way to do this! These groups meet together regularly in places like coffee shops, living rooms, and kitchens. They read the Bible together, eat together, and volunteer together. We are truly better when we are together!
Ministry at Crossview just wouldn’t happen without the hundreds of volunteers who serve God by serving here, near and far, or at church, in the city or world. The Apostle Paul wrote this truth: “All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it,” (1 Corinthians 12:27). We are the Body of Christ at Crossview!
Part of growing in our faith is living out our faith by serving others. Serving within the walls of the church and serving in the community (and world) is a vital part of what God created us to do.
Giving is part of our discipleship. It is great to give to a good cause, but it is more important to see our financial world reflect the way of Jesus. At Crossview we give because God has given us his Son. Our giving is a response to the grace that we have received from our loving God!
Because of God’s grace we give generously (2 Cor. 9.6-8)
Because of God’s grace we give consistently (2 Cor. 8.9-15; Deut. 26.1-11)
Because of God’s grace we give sacrificially (2 Cor. 8.1-15)
Practically we do this by giving first, saving second and living on the rest