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Crossview Youth


Middle & High School (6th-12th Grade)
We meet every Wednesday at Crossview. Bring a friend and receive a prize for you AND your friend. Each night we have a fun activity, large group with worship, small group discussion time, and snacks. We also have other fun events.

Join us on Wednesday Night!

  • 5:30-6:30pm Dinner served at church, all are welcome.

  • 6:00-7:00pm Kids Ministry (K-5).

  • 6:00-7:00pm Youth Hang (6-12 grade)

  • 7:00-8:30pm Youth Group (6-12 grade)

  • March 19 at 7:00-8:30pm Who am I: Sinner Saved by Grace

    • Parents and Youth Leaders are welcome to "Youth Conversations" Wed, March 19 from 8:30-9:00pm--right after youth group. This is a space for you to share what is working well and what can be improved. Also, a chance where you can connect 1-1 with Pastor Aaron.


  • April 2 at 7:00-8:30pm Who am I: Citizen of Heaven

  • April 9 at 7:00-8:30pm Who am I: Child of God

  • April 16 at 7:00-8:30pm Who am I: Disciple of Jesus

  • April 23 at 7:00-8:30pm Who am I: Temple of the Living God

  • April 30 at 7:00-8:30pm What Difference Do I Make: Work

Looking ahead:

  • Lake Beauty Bible Camp (register by April 8 to get $20 off)

    • Jr High (completed 6th, 7th, 8th grade):  June 8-13 // $519

    • Sr High (completed 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th):  July 27-Aug 1  // $539

      • NOTE: 10-12 Graders are going to Bluewater Bible Camp this year (June 16-22). Email Pastor Aaron if you have questions.

    • Register at and contact Jill VanEps for bus transportation.

    • If you need a scholarship contact Pastor Aaron by May 1.

  • MUUUCE is coming to Crossview this year!!! 600-800 middle schoolers from our denomination’s conference are heading this way. MUUUCE stands for “The Most Unbelievable, Ultimate, Urban, Camping Experience.” This high-energy, fast-moving, multi-day event is designed to give middle schoolers and junior highers a chance to connect with Christ and their peers. Save the date, more information and registration coming soon. Thursday, August 7 to Saturday, August 9, 2025.

If you have questions, please contact Pastor Aaron.

Stay Connected

There are a couple of ways you can stay connected with Crossview Youth. Join the weekly update email list, follow us on Instagram, and/or follow us on Facebook.


Sundays 11:30am-12:30pm starting Feb 16

What if our entire church embraced the call to help others follow Jesus? Imagine students and adults growing deeper in their faith while equipping others to do the same—a church where life change happens every day, through all of us.

Kingdom Builders is more than a small group; it’s a movement. Led by students, this group will teach you how to follow Jesus more closely and build authentic relationships. Together, we’ll learn what it means to be followers of Jesus who help others follow Him, expanding God’s Kingdom here and now. This is your opportunity to grow and see lives changed—including your own. Be part of something eternal.

Be a Kingdom Builder. Ready to build? Join us today and start making an impact that lasts forever. Fill out the interest form below.


Serving creates a deep sense of ownership, expands faith, and increases a relationship with others. If you feel like you want more out of faith, then you are invited to be a leader.

If you have questions or concerns about serving, or anything else with youth group, please feel free to contact Pastor Aaron Thompson


Confirmation has always been a lasting tradition to explore God’s Word and the importance of living a Christian life. A major focus for teenagers is learning to think for themselves and develop their identity. Confirmation sits at the cusp of this stage of life. The end goal of Confirmation is for students to learn, reflect, and affirm their faith while recognizing that following Jesus is a lifelong journey filled with these things. Confirmation is not the end, rather it is the beginning of this relationship with Jesus. At Crossview, confirmation is meant to propel students into the next step of their faith journey.

We value confirmation as an opportunity for students in 7th-11th grade to go through an intentional two years of discipleship consisting of five key components. Students are welcome to join at any time and will finish confirmation after they complete:

  1. Attending weekly large group teachings;

  2. Reading through and discussing the big picture of God’s story twice a month with a mentor;

  3. Participating in our confirmation retreats;

  4. Serving at church and in our community with others in your class, and

  5. Completing a small paper and pastoral interview about your confirmation experience.


Confirmation begins Sunday, September 15 from 9:00am-11:30am

Interested in joining confirmation please click on the form below: