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Sunday, January 19

at 9:00am & 10:30am

In-Person & On Facebook & ChurchOnline.

BLESS is a transformative approach to living on mission, focused less on memorizing scripts and more on authentically loving our neighbors. It helps us move beyond feeling “stuck” missionally, encouraging a more natural, relational practice. Through five simple missional practices—Begin with prayer, Listen with care, Eat together, Serve in love, and Share the story—BLESS equips every Jesus followers with practical resources to make disciples who follow Jesus, become like Jesus, and engage in His mission in their daily lives.

ChurchOnline -
Facebook Live -

Small Group Discussion Questions
What do you notice about God/Jesus?
What do you notice about people?
Is there a command to obey? A promise to claim? A new idea to ponder?
How can you respond to the text/topic that was preached?



New to Crossview

If you are new to Crossview Howard Drive, we want to say thank you for joining us today. We are so glad that you decided to worship with us. We would love to get to know you better! Fill out our online connection form below and we will reach out to you this week.

Another great way to connect at Crossview is to like and follow us on Facebook & Instagram. You can also sign-up for the weekly email.

Download Crossview’s App

It’s a great way to engage at church and get the latest information you need.

Family Lunch

Sunday, January 19 at 11:30am

Families with children are welcome to join us for lunch! It is a great opportunity to meet each other. No RSVP necessary!

If you have questions please contact Pastor Aaron Thompson

Kingdom Builders

Begins Sunday, Feb 16 from 11:45am-12:45pm

A discipleship group for all ages with lunch at Crossview.

What if our entire church embraced the call to help others follow Jesus? Imagine students and adults growing deeper in their faith while equipping others to do the same—a church where life change happens every day, through all of us.

Kingdom Builders is more than a small group; it's a movement. Led by students, this group will teach you how to follow Jesus more closely and build authentic relationships. Together, we'll learn what it means to be followers of Jesus who help others follow Him, expanding God's Kingdom here and now.

This is your opportunity to grow and see lives changed—including your own. Be part of something eternal. Be a Kingdom Builder. Ready to build? Join us today and start making an impact that lasts forever. Interested? Fill out the form below.

For more information, contact Pastor Aaron Thompson.

Small Groups

Join a group today and grow in your faith and community tomorrow.

God has designed each of us to connect with other followers of Jesus. We can help lift one another up when things get tough, celebrate with each other during good times, and grow in our faith together. Small groups are one of the best ways to do this! You don’t need to be an expert in the Bible to be part of a small group - whether you are new to faith or a long-time Jesus-follower, small groups are for you! These groups regularly meet in places like coffee shops, living rooms, and kitchens.

Finding a Small Group

We would love to help connect you with a Small Group. To join a group, click on the "Find a Group Here" button below. Need more help, then click on "Small Group Interest Form" and we'll help you find a group that works for you. You can always Contact Pastor Libby Englehorn.

Local Mission

Connections Shelter (Feb 13-26)

Connections Shelter is a low-barrier emergency shelter. They house men, women, and families. They have a 45 bed capacity. Make an impact by joining others at Crossview serving Feb 13-26.

Meal Volunteers

Prepare a meal for 50 guests. (Do it alone or with others, like a small group) 5:45pm

Serve the meal (5:45-7:30pm)

Evening Volunteers

Evening Greeter (5-7pm)

Evening Activities (6:30-8:30pm)

Shower Attendant (7-9pm)

Wednesdays at Crossview


Senior Saints Small Group: 4:15-5:30pm (1st Wednesday of Every Month)

Dinner Served: 5:30-6:30pm

Kids Ministry (K-5 Grade): 6:00-7:00pm (Sign-Up Using the Link Below)

Youth Hangout (6-12 grade): 6:00-7:00pm

Alpha Course: 6:00-7:30pm (Starting October 2)

Prayer Gathering: 6:30-8:00pm

Women’s Small Group: 6:30-8:00pm

Crossview Youth (6-12 grade): 7:00-8:30pm

If you have questions please email the church office or call 507-387-5606

Volunteer & Make a Difference

One of the best ways to get connected is by serving!

We value not just growing in our faith but doing something with our faith! Serving within the walls of this church and (even more importantly) going out into the community and the world is a vital part of what God created us to do. When we serve and volunteer we are being Christ followers by doing what He did. It is how we show the world what the love of God is like. We serve inside and outside of the church, Sundays and all week long.

(Contact the church office)

  • Worship & Tech: Camera, Sound, Broadcast, Lighting, Voice, Instrument

  • Host Team: Greet, Communion, Café

  • NextGen: Small Group Leader for Kids or Students, Worship

  • Pastoral Care: Prayer Under the Cross, Visitation Team, etc.

Give to Crossview

We believe that God calls us to be people of generosity. It is amazing each week to see how God is using your giving to reach out and connect people to Jesus! He is using your giving to reach more people with His love and truth than ever before.

Text-to-Give: Text the words “Give Howard Drive” or “Give Rosa Parks” to (833) 876-8890. Follow the instructions that the system texts back to you to set up your account, then save this number in your contacts list for easy giving next time!

Online Giving: Make a one-time donation or set up a recurring donation using your personal checking account, credit or debit card by clicking the button below.

Take a Next Step and “Go Deeper”

We want everyone who comes to Crossview to connect to Jesus Christ. We do that by taking steps on our spiritual journey in four different areas of our spiritual lives in worship, community, serving, and giving generously. Jesus wants to work through us to bring hope and healing to our neighbors, friends, and those on the margins. Wherever you are on your faith journey, there is always a next step and a way to "go deeper." Connecting to Jesus transforms us, our families, neighborhoods, city and world!

Upcoming Events

NextGen Ministry

Kids and students are invited to join us at Crossview! We have made plans for how to provide nextgen programming that makes an impact and connects people to Jesus, while ensuring safety for kids and volunteers.

  • Crossview Kids

    • Sundays, 9:00am & 10:30am (birth-6th grade) -We're so excited to be together on Sunday mornings! No RSVP required. After you check in your kids before the service, they will start in the Worship Center with you and participate in worship. During the greeting & announcement time, they will be dismissed to programming. Kids ministry will last until the end of service, and you can pick up your kids in the Kids Wing after the service.

    • Kids ministry is also available 6-7pm Wednesdays for K-5 grade to go deeper in God’s Word. Dinner is served 5:30-6:30pm.

  • Crossview Youth (6-12 grade) - Wednesdays, Dinner (5:30-6:30pm), Youth Hang (6:00-7:00pm), Youth Group (7:00-8:30pm) - Check out Crossview Youth activities here.

We Want to Help!

So many of us are facing anxiety, stress, depression, or financial struggles. YOU MATTER and you are not alone. If you need someone to pray with, we want to pray with you. If you need some connection, we'll get you plugged in with a small group. If you need financial support, our Deacons would love to sit down with you. Email the church office - we want to help!

Office Hours:

Monday-Thursday 9am-3pm

Friday 9am-1pm

Staff Days Off:

Friday & Saturdays (Pastor Brad, Pastor Libby, and Pastor Aaron)

Saturdays & Sundays (Dawn & Melissa)

Pastor On-Call Emergency Line

We seek to be people who give and receive the love and care of Jesus through community support and counsel.

In an urgent situation, call the Pastor On-Call Emergency line at 507-978-0345.

Facing Financial Hardships?

Life is uncertain right now! If you are facing financial hardships, our Deacons would love to meet with you and see how we can help. You can confidentially request help here.

New to Faith

If you’ve recently chosen to put your hope in Jesus, we’d love to share some next steps you can take in your faith journey: text FAITH to 507-322-1442.

Stay Connected this Week

Prayer Requests
Crossview Facebook Page
Crossview Kids Facebook page
Crossview Community Life Facebook Group

Crossview-Howard Drive Calendar

9:00am - Sunday Worship Service & Kids Ministry (Nursery - 6th Grade)
9:00am - Confirmation
10:30am - Sunday Worship Service & Kids Ministry (Nursery - 6th Grade)
11:30am - Family Lunch



5:30-6:30pm - Dinner
6:00-7:00pm - Kids Ministry (K-5 grade)
6:00-7:00pm - Youth Hang (6-12 grade)
7:00-8:30pm - Youth Group (6-12 grade)




9:00am - Sunday Worship Service & Kids Ministry (Nursery - 6th Grade)
9:00am - Confirmation
10:30am - Sunday Worship Service & Kids Ministry (Nursery - 6th Grade)



5:30-6:30pm - Dinner
6:00-7:00pm - Kids Ministry (K-5 grade)
6:00-7:00pm - Youth Hang (6-12 grade)
7:00-8:30pm - Youth Group (6-12 grade)






Our regular worship service is on Sunday at 9:00am & 10:30am. You'll find people of all different ages, backgrounds and life experiences. It's very normal to see people wearing casual to dressy casual clothing.

You can blend in and be comfortable here if you are visiting. Our services are thought-provoking, but easy to follow, and don't require "inside knowledge" for you to engage with them.

Our building is ADA accessible/compliant in it's entirety. If you need special accommodations for our programming, please let us know. Call 507-387-5606 or email the church office.


We care about kids at Crossview! We offer a safe and fun place for your children to grow in their faith. Crossview Kids ministry is available for ages birth through 6th grade during both our 9:00am and 10:30am services.

Programming adaptations are also available for children with special needs. Please call the church office at 507-387-5606 for more details.


Find us at 2000 Howard Drive W. in North Mankato. We are right next to Dakota Meadows Middle School.