Easter at Crossview
You are welcome to celebrate Easter at Crossview as we dive into the powerful story of Jesus' resurrection from Luke 24. Easter isn’t just a Sunday—it’s a season that invites us to embrace both the dark and light of the story. Easter morning began in darkness, with Mary Magdalene walking to the tomb, her heart heavy with grief. She had witnessed the death of the one she believed would save her, and yet, she continued to seek Jesus, trusting in Him. What awaited her was beyond anything she could have imagined. Her story reminds us that even in our darkest moments, seeking Jesus can lead to the new life He promises through Him.
This Easter, we invite you to experience more than just a tradition. As we remember Jesus’ victory over death, we’re called to reflect on how His resurrection impacts our lives today. The resurrection isn’t just an event of the past—it’s the beginning of new life for all who choose to follow Him. It’s a story of hope, transformation, and the assurance that death no longer has the final word. Whether you’re just beginning your faith journey or have walked with Jesus for years, Easter reminds us that through His resurrection, we too are invited to experience new life. How will you respond to that invitation?
Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 13 from (9:00am & 10:30am)
Join us at Crossview for our Palm Sunday Service (with a palm parade for the kids) at both the 9:00 and 10:30am services. We will have kids ministry for Nursery - 6 grade.
On the first Palm Sunday, Jesus chose to enter Jerusalem, riding on a donkey. This event marked the beginning of the final week of His life, known as Holy Week. As Jesus entered the city, crowds gathered, waving palm branches and laying them on the road before Him, shouting "Hosanna!" This act fulfilled the prophecy in the Old Testament about the Messiah entering Jerusalem in this manner. However, Jesus knew that His entrance would ultimately lead to His arrest, trial, and crucifixion. Nonetheless, this momentous event symbolized Jesus' role as the long-awaited Messiah and demonstrated His humility and commitment to His mission of salvation.
Stations of the Cross
Friday, April 18 from 9:00am-6:30pm
The Stations of the Cross is a series of 8-14 artistic representations or devotional stations commemorating the events leading up to and including the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Good Friday. These stations typically include Jesus' condemnation, carrying of the cross, falls, meeting with His mother Mary, and crucifixion, among others. Observing the Stations of the Cross is a common devotional practice for Christians during Lent, Holy Week, and particularly on Good Friday, as it allows believers to reflect on the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus for humanity's redemption.
The Stations of the Cross will be available in the Great Room on Friday, April 18 from 9:00am-6:30pm. You are welcome to come and go as you please.
Good Friday Service
Friday, April 18 at 6:30pm
Our Good Friday service invites all ages to think about Jesus' love, sacrifice, and death on the cross (no kids ministry or nursery). The service will be in person and online.
ChurchOnline - https://live.crossviewcovenant.org/
Facebook Live - www.facebook.com/crossviewcovenant/live
Easter Services
Sunday, April 20 (9:00am & 10:30am)
Nursery and PreK ministry will be available. We’ll have activity bags for the older kids and they are welcome in the Easter service (We also have TV’s in the lobby if the kiddos get too squirmy). We’ll have an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids after each service. The services will be in person and online.
ChurchOnline - https://live.crossviewcovenant.org/
Facebook Live - www.facebook.com/crossviewcovenant/live
Questions, contact the church office by email or call 507-387-5606