LENT- Abiding in Christ
March-April Sermon Series
What are we all striving for? A dog doesn’t have to try to be a dog. A tree doesn’t struggle to grow—it simply is. In the same way, a Christian doesn’t have to force faith or strive to produce. If we trust in God, let Jesus be our guide, and respond to Him, we don’t have to try to become something—we will simply be in Christ. The only thing we must do is choose to abide in Him. And when we do, our faith will grow, bear fruit, and flourish into a vibrant expression of His love.
This Lent, let’s commit to daily encounters with Jesus from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. As a church, we’ll explore what it means to abide in Christ, staying connected through a Lenten Bible app devotional. Each Sunday, we’ll go deeper into these reflections as we journey toward the cross together.
Sundays @ 9
:00am & 10:30am
In-Person in the Howard Drive Worship Center
Online Worship on ChurchOnline & Facebook
Wednesdays @ 5:30pm-8:30pm
No dinner, kids, or youth ministry March 26 (Spring Break).
Dinner Served: 5:30-6:30pm
Kids Ministry (K-5 Grade): 6:00-7:00pm
Youth Hangout (6-12 grade): 6:00-7:00pm
Crossview Youth (6-12 grade): 7:00-8:30pm
We are passionate about growing in our faith and serving those around us.
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