Wednesday Kids
Lesson Plans
Below are the lesson plans for the upcoming weeks. For each date, you will find the theme, Bible verse, Bible Story you will share with the kids, games, and activities. If you need some resources Storyrunners has a lot you can look at like: how to learn the Bible story, how to be a good storyteller, new ideas for what to do, learning methods, and more; click the button below for more resources including links to listen and read the stories.
Wednesday Night Rooms
Room 101- K-2 Girls
Room 102- K-2 Boys
Room 103- Nursery/PreK for Volunteers
Rooms 106 and 108- Activities
Room 107: 3-5 Boys
Room 109- 3-5 Girls
Rm 110: Games
Wednesday Night Schedule
5:20- Dinner Starts
5:45-Huddle in Kid’s Wing
5:55- Doors Open
3-5- Activities
3-5- Story
K-2- Activities
3-5- Games
Lesson Plans
February 19
Theme: Miracles
Bible Verse: “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105
Bible Story: Jesus Casts Demons into a Herd of Animals
1. Indoor Bowling- Grab some paper cups, and a soft ball. Simply stack the paper cups on top of each other to form a pyramid. Start with 6 cups on the bottom and built up.
2. Blob Tag- One person is "it" or the blob. When "it" tags someone they must join hands with the blob and try and tag people also. They cannot let go of their hands as they are running after people. Play continues until the blob has tagged everyone. If you have a lot of children playing the game set rules that as soon as the blob gets to be 4 people they must break off into 2 separate blobs of 2 kids each.
Tower of Babel STEM
February 26
Theme: Miracles
Bible Verse: “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105
Bible Story: Peter and John Heal a Man Who Could Not Walk
1. Sit or Stand-To play, tell everyone to stand up for one choice and sit down for the other choice.
2. Poop Deck- This is referencing the deck on a ship, but what kid won’t want to place this? They love the name.
Use the colored cones to divide the room into a front deck, middle deck, and poop deck.
Everyone starts off on the poop deck.
The pirate captain (you, or anyone you appoint that doesn’t mind sitting out) yells a deck name and everyone has to run to that deck.
You can make the last one there be out.
Last man standing is the winner!
Created with a Purpose Canvas Craft- Write “Created for a Purpose” on the canvases and then paint canvases
March 12
Theme: Humility
Bible Verse: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9
Bible Story: Jesus Asks, “Who Do People Say that I Am?”
1. Rock, Paper Scissors (Whole Body Version)
Ensure that everyone knows how to play Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Everyone is “It”.
On “go” the kids run around the gym or designated outdoor play area and try and tag each other.
When one child has tagged another, both kids stop running and play a quick game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. The person (A) who loses the game sits down. The person (B) who won the game keeps running.
A sits on the floor or grass and carefully watches B. As soon as B loses a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors and sits down, then A can jump up again and play.
If the teacher sees that there are too many kids sitting down he/she just yells, “Rock, Paper, Scissors” and everyone jumps back up and starts running around again.
2. Verse Shuffle
Write the verse or passage on index cards – one word or phrase per card. Shuffle the cards. Take turns putting the verse together in order.
Stuff Easter Eggs for Church
March 19
Theme: Humility
Bible Verse: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9
Bible Story: Jesus’ Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem
1. Pictionary- Divide the kids into groups. Have one student draw a word from the words provided and draw it for the groups. First group to get the answer correct gets a point. Continue as long as time allows or until words are done.
2. What time is it, Mr. Fox?- One player is chosen to be the fox and stands at one end of the playing field with their back to the rest of the players. The other players will shout together “What time is it, Mr. Fox?” The fox will reply with a time, such as “It’s 9 o’clock!” and the players all need to take that many steps forward.
Repeat these two steps until the fox thinks the players are getting close, and then the fox responds to the group question with “Lunchtime!” The fox turns around and chases the other players, who have to run back to the starting line and try not to be caught. If the fox tags another player, that player becomes the next fox.
Cross Keychain (There will be pictures with the instructions.)
Start by laying out 6 beads and deciding what colors you want to use, and cut yourself a piece of string. If you want to make a necklace, you’ll need a long string.
Before you start stringing, you’ll need to attach 3 beads together for the cross part. This is where those glue dots come in handy! You can use regular glue to attach the beads, but I would suggest doing it ahead of time so it’s already dry before you begin. However, if you use glue dots, the kids can do this all by themselves, and the beads attach instantly! Here’s how the 3 beads need to be glued together:
Place one bead on each side of your middle bead and give it a firm push to attach it. No drying time is needed. 🙂 You can tear the strip of glue dots to give each child a piece with just 2 glue dots on it. This is easier for them to handle than the whole roll.
Attach another bead to the other side. Now you’re ready to bead your cross! Start with the bottom bead and slide it to the middle of the string.
Take your second bead, and lace both sides of your string through it.
Push your second bead all the way down to the first one you strung on. Now string on your 3 beads that are stuck together. One side of the string goes through one bead, and the other side of your string through the other bead.
Take your top bead and lace both ends of the string through it. There’s your cross!
Tie a knot at the top of the beads to hold the cross in place. To tie the knot, wrap both sides of your string around your fingers and put both ends through. Pull tight.
April 2
Theme: Humility
Bible Verse: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23
Bible Story: Jesus’ Last Supper
1. Hot Potato-Pass a ball or even a potato back and forth whilst playing some music. The idea of the game is to pass the potato before the music stops. If you’re holding the potato when the music stops, you’re out.
2. Animal Tag- You will need to decide on 4 areas of the game field that will be the "Zoo cages". You can mark out areas on concrete with sidewalk chalk, use chairs or a picnic table as the cages or use hula hoops on the grass.
Once the players know where the cages are located choose a Zookeeper and a Monkey.
The Zookeeper tries to tag all of the animals and put them in the cages.
The Monkey can unlock cages and set animals free.
So while the Zookeeper is running around tagging animals and placing them in cages, the Monkey is running around setting all the animals free.
If that isn't crazy enough before the game starts the players are divided into 4 groups of different species of zoo animals.
Easter Egg Verse Craft-
1. Cut out eggs
2. Draw on the eggs
3. Add any extra decorative touches-stickers
4. Zigzag cut egg in half
5. Measure and glue/tape down white paper
For the length, I wanted about 6 inches between the egg pieces to have room for a verse, and then added about an inch. That gave us a half-inch on either side to fold outward and glue down to keep it securely attached to the eggs.
6. Bring eggs together and fold paper
7. Press folded paper to lay flat
8. Glue in bible verses
April 9
Theme: Humility
Bible Verse: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23
Bible Story: The Arrest and Trial of Jesus
1. Beach Beall Dodge Ball
Divide play area in half with a line of chalk or tape. Also mark an X in the center of the 1/2 court line. Draw 2 attack lines 10 feet from the center line in each direction. Draw an “end line” rectangle at the far end of each teams playing field. Place the balls on the center line - spaced evenly.
How to play:
Players start the game at the end line with one foot in the rectangle. At the whistle teams rush toward the middle and grab the beach balls only to the right side of the marker on the center line. Team members throw balls at the opposite team only after they have crossed back over their own “attack” line. Players may never cross the middle line or step out of bounds.
2. Would You Rather?
Ask each question and have the kids answer by moving their bodies to their answers.
When saying the options, point to a side of the room and have the kids walk to the side of the room that matches their answer.
Easter Cards for Nursing Home (service project)- Make Easter Cards for the Nursing Home residents.
April 16
Theme: Humility
Bible Verse: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23
Bible Story: The Crucifixion
1. Missing Word Verse
Write or type the Bible verse onto a sheet of paper. Cut the words apart. Tape the words to a wall or table. Have your child say the verse out loud, then remove one word. Have your child say the verse again, seeing if they can remember the missing word. Then, have your child take away another word. Repeat, until all of the words are gone and your child is saying the verse from memory. Post it notes also work great for this game!
2. Silly Bananas
Kids spread out around the playing area. Pick 2 kids to be the monkeys (taggers).
Kids run around trying not to get tagged by the monkeys. If you get tagged, you turn into a banana (Hands together, stretched out above your head). You stay a banana until someone else frees you, by peeling (pull one hand down at a time.
Black Paper Chalk Cross Craft-
1. On black cardstock, add a cross in the middle of the paper with double-sided tape.
2. Use 6 color pastels following a pattern and color each section in increments. Stroke in a zig-zag type pattern with 2-inch sections of the cross, overlapping the cross edges. Follow a pattern of colors if desired: Pink, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple. Repeat until the entire edge of the cross is complete.
3. Begin rubbing pastel chalks with index finger for a blurred appearance.
4. Gently remove Cross Template.
5. Using double-sided tape or clear glue, carefully center the heart “He is Risen” on the cross. Glue or tape back of heart for reinforcement. Cross Resurrection craft is complete!
April 23
Theme: Humility
Bible Verse: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23
Bible Story: The Resurrection
Easter Minute to Win It Games
Kindness Stones (Random Acts of Kindness)
April 30
Theme: Responsibility
Bible Verse: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23
Bible Story: Jesus Teachers about the Vine and the Branches
1. Beach Ball Boogie
Teams try to score goals by passing the ball to a teammate without it touching the ground. Place a laundry basket or box on each side of the playing field – these are the goals. Teams pass the beachball to each other, no running while passing, down the court and try to score a goal in the opposite teams basket. If the ball hits the ground then it becomes the other teams ball.
2. Please, Mr. Crocodile
All of the players (except one who is chosen as ‘Mr Crocodile’) stand side by side at one side of the yard or room, facing the other side. Mr Crocodile stands in the middle of the yard or room.
The players chant, “Please Mr Crocodile may we cross the river? If not, why not, what’s your favourite colour?”
Mr Crocodile calls out one colour name and any of the players wearing that colour are safe to cross past Mr Crocodile to the other side of the yard/room. For example, if Mr Crocodile calls, “Blue,” anyone wearing blue is safe to cross.
Once the safe players are across to the other side of the space, the players not wearing the selected colour must try to run across to the other side of the yard/room without being caught by Mr Crocodile.
The player that is caught becomes the next Mr Crocodile and the game starts again.
Jellybean Toothpick Building STEM
May 7
Theme: Responsibility
Bible Verse: “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
Bible Story: Jesus Teaches on Prayer
1. Red Light, Green Light
One child is the “stoplight” and stands far from the others, with their back turned. When the stoplight is called “green light,” kids move forward; when “red light” is called, they stop. The stoplight tries to catch someone moving during “red light.”
2. Blow Wind Blow
Set up chairs in a circle, facing the center. Set up as many chairs as there are players minus 1. For example, for 10 players, you will need 9 chairs. Alternatively, you can use anything that can mark the positions of each seat (examples: labels, masking tapes, shoes, books).
How to Play
Ask one player to stand in the center of the circle and have everyone else sit on the chairs.
To start the game, the player in the center shouts, “Blow wind blow!”
The other players respond by shouting, “Blow what?”
The player in the center replies, “Blow everyone who ________.”
(Examples, “… is wearing glasses”, “… is wearing white”, “… ate breakfast this morning”, “… has ever played basketball”, “… has ever been to Mexico”.)
All the players who fit that description must quickly get up and move to a seat vacated by another player; the player in the center tries to get a seat. One player will be left without a seat. This player must now stand in the center of the circle and shout, “Blow wind blow!”…
You can play for as long as you like.
Tissue Paper Night Lights Craft
May 14
Theme: Responsibility
Bible Verse: “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
Bible Story: Jesus Tells the Story about the Wheat and the Weeds
1. Verse Catch
All you need for this game is a ball. Say one phrase of the verse. Have your child repeat the phrase with you. Then, toss a ball back and forth. As you toss the ball, say one word of the phrase. Your child catches the ball, then tosses it back to you, saying the next word. You can play again, varying who starts the phrase, until your child knows the phrase by memory. Then, repeat this game with the next phrase of the verse.
Multiple children? Stand in a circle and toss or bounce a ball back and forth as you say the words. You can have the whole group or individuals say the words with each throw.
2. Blob Tag
One person is "it" or the blob. When "it" tags someone they must join hands with the blob and try and tag people also. They cannot let go of their hands as they are running after people. Play continues until the blob has tagged everyone. If you have a lot of children playing the game set rules that as soon as the blob gets to be 4 people they must break off into 2 separate blobs of 2 kids each.
Service Project
May 21
Theme: Responsibility
Bible Verse: “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
Bible Story: Jesus Tells His Followers to Make Disciples of All Nations
1. Paper Airplane Races
Have the kids make paper airplanes and then all together throw them across the room and see who can make it the farthest. If the big room is too small, the kids that get it the farthest can throw them in the hall.
2. Bandaid Tag
When a player gets tagged by "it" they have to place one of their hands over the place where they were touched like a bandaid. The player has to run around with their hand like this for the rest of the game.
If they get tagged again they must place their free hand on the place where they were just tagged and run around with both of their hands as bandaids. If they are tagged one more time, or three times, they become the new "it" and all players are healed for the next round.
Jesus Love You Cards (Random Acts of Kindness)- Cut out a heart. Using a white Crayon, write Jesus Love You. Then using a marker color over the message. Leave these for friends or family.
Need Help?
Our goal is to connect kids to Jesus. We do this best when we work together, that’s why we are here to support you. If you need any assistance you can always contact Melissa Jennings (Children’s Ministry Director) or Pastor Aaron Thompson (NextGen Pastor).