Discover Your Gifts to Serve

Each of us has been gifted by God with unique talents, abilities, and passions, and we want to help you to learn and use those gifts. One of the ways to discover your gifts is through a Spiritual Gifts Assessment. The assessment normally takes about 10-12 minutes to complete, and your results will be emailed to you. Once your assessment is complete, we encourage you to browse our recommendations for serving opportunities unique to your gifts by looking through the Spiritual Gifts Match section below.

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Crossview pays for this assessment for you and collects your information to help you find a place for you to serve.

Spiritual Gifts Match

After you have discovered your top three gifts, browse our recommendations for serving opportunities that fit you best.


The special ability that God gives to clearly understand the immediate and long range goals of a ministry and is able to devise, manage and execute plans to achieve goals and purposes for the church body.

Recommended Serving Opportunities:
Ministry Administration, Ministry Assistant, Art and Classroom Prep, Café, Facilities, Kids & Student Ministries Registration, Production


The special ability that God gives to assume and exercise divinely imparted authority in order to establish the foundational government of a sphere of ministry; an apostle hears from the Holy Spirit and set things in order accordingly for the church’s health, growth, maturity and outreach. Is also able to work with other cultures.

Recommended Serving Opportunities:
Starting Point/Alpha leader or co-leader, Local and Global Project, Crossview Kids Volunteer, Small Group Leader, Prayer Team, Local Mission, Youth Ministry Volunteer


The special that God gives to know with assurance whether certain behaviors purported to be of God are in reality divine, human or evil. Able to see through chaos or confusion and determine problems and possible outcomes. Can correlate problems to violation of biblical truths.

Recommended Serving Opportunities:
Starting Point/Alpha leader, Greeters, Prayer Team, Small Group Leaders, Local Mission, Building & Grounds Team, Crisis Meals, Visitation Team, Bus Driver


The special ability that God gives to share the gospel with non-believers in such a way that they become followers of Christ and responsible members of the church.

Recommended Serving Opportunities:
Starting Point/Alpha Leader, Café, Crossview Kids Volunteer, Greeter, Small Group Leader, Local Mission, Prayer Team, Youth Leader, Worship, Mentor (confirmation, men’s, women’s), Visitation Team


Sometimes called the gift of counseling- the special ability that God gives to minister words of comfort, consolation, encouragement and counsel to other believers in such a way that they feel helped and are moving toward healing.

Recommended Serving Opportunities:
Starting Point/Alpha Leader, Pastoral Care, Crossview Kids, Greeter, Small Group Leader, Prayer Team, Local Mission, Ushers, Mentor (confirmation, men’s, women’s), Worship, Youth Ministry Volunteer


The special ability to see with extraordinary confidence the will and purposes of God for future of His work even when others see only obstacles.

Recommended Serving Opportunities:
Pastoral Care, Small Group Leader, Local Mission, Prayer Team, Worship, Youth Ministry Volunteer, Visitation Team


The special ability that God gives to contribute financially to the work of the Lord liberally and cheerfully, above and beyond the tithes and offerings expected to all believers.

Recommended Serving Opportunities:
Local and Global Project, Financial Peace University Facilitators, Mentor (confirmation, men’s, women’s), Small Group Leaders, Crisis Meals, Meals for Moms, Helping Hands (handy men and women)


The special ability God gives to discover, accumulate, analyze and clarify information and ideas that are from the Holy Spirit that are pertinent to the growth and well-being of followers of Christ.

Recommended Serving Opportunities:
Small Group Leader, Local Mission, Prayer Team, Worship, Mentor (confirmation, men’s, women’s), Youth Ministry Volunteer, Visitation Team


The special ability that God gives to set goals in accordance with God’s purpose for the future and to communicate these goals to others in such a way that motivates them to harmoniously work together to accomplish these goals for the glory of God.

Recommended Serving Opportunities:
Starting Point/Alpha Leader, Crossview Kids Leader, Small Group Leader, Local Mission, Building & Grounds Team, Ushers, Worship, Mentor (confirmation, men’s, women’s), Youth Ministry Volunteer


The special ability that God gives to feel genuine empathy and compassion for individuals, both followers of Christ and non-followers, who suffer distressing physical, mental or emotional problems, and to translate that compassion into cheerfully doing deeds that reflect Christ’s love and alleviate suffering.

Recommended Serving Opportunities:
Pastoral Care, Crossview Kids Leader, Greeter, Local Mission, Prayer Team, Crisis Meals, Meals for Moms, Youth Ministries Volunteer, Mentor (confirmation, men’s, women’s), Worship, Visitation Team


The special ability that God gives to assume a long-term responsibility for the spiritual welfare of a group of God’s people

Recommended Serving Opportunities:
Starting Point/Alpha Leader, Pastoral Care, Crossview Kids Volunteer, Small Group Leader, Local Mission, Prayer Team, Mentor (confirmation, men’s, women’s), Crisis Meals, Youth Ministries Volunteer, Visitation Team


The special ability that God gives to clearly understand the immediate and long range goals of a ministry and is able to devise, manage and execute plans to achieve goals and purposes for the church body.

Recommended Serving Opportunities:
Small Group Leader, Local Mission, Prayer Team, Worship,


The special ability to invest time, talents and energy unselfishly in performing tasks for God’s work, often to assist other gifted individuals by freeing them to dedicate all their time to their primary ministry.

Recommended Serving Opportunities:
Starting Point/Alpha Leader, Café, Pastoral Care, Facilities, Crossview Kids Volunteer, Greeter, Local Mission, Ministry Administration (like Art & Classroom prep), Parking Lot, Production, Set Up, Tear Down, Ushers, Special Event Volunteer, Building & Grounds, Crisis Meals, Meals for Moms, Helping Hands, Bus Driver


The special ability that God gives to communicate information relevant to the health and ministry of followers of Christ in such a way that others will learn.

Recommended Serving Opportunities:
Starting Point/Alpha Helper, Crossview Kids Volunteer, Small Group Leader, Local Mission, Prayer Team, Youth Ministries Volunteer, Mentor (confirmation, men’s, women’s)


The special ability that God gives to know the mind of the Holy Spirit in such a way as to receive insight into how given knowledge may be applied to specific needs in a situation.

Recommended Serving Opportunities:
Starting Point/Alpha Leader, Crossview Kids Volunteer, Small Group Leader, Local Mission, Prayer Team, Building Lock-Up, Usher, Worship, Youth Ministries Volunteer, Mentor (confirmation, men’s, women’s), Visitation Team

The next step is connecting with the appropriate staff member to the serving opportunity that fits for you, contact Pastor Aaron Thompson for help.