Have you ever considered how through the simple act of eating together, we practice hospitality, build community, and deepen relationships? Jesus commonly ate and drank with those He sought to engage, such as Matthew, Zacchaeus, the Samaritan woman, and many others. We richly bless others, and are blessed ourselves, through hospitality!

Summer is coming and it’s that time of year again when you have an opportunity to be a part of a Grill-Out Group.  Each summer people at Crossview join a Grill-Out Group to get to know others at church in a smaller context. "Grill-Out" groups are a perfect opportunity to invite your neighbors and friends to get connected in a comfortable and safe environment.  Simply sign up to be in a “Grill-Out” Group, and we’ll connect you with other adults. Groups will meet at least 3 times over the summer. The food doesn’t have to be fancy, so don’t stress out about it…the goal is to simply create opportunities to get to know one another, and share food and faith while having fun doing so. Groups will be compiled the first week in June. To make sure you don’t miss it register by May 30.

Regardless if you are new to Crossview or have been coming to Crossview for a while, these “Grill-Out” Groups are for you!  If you have any questions please contact Pastor Sandi Asker.