In June 2025 we are taking a group of students and adults to the Rio Grande Valley in Southern Texas and into Mexico.
This Soup & Chili Cook-Off is raising funds to send our students and leaders to this conference. You won’t want to miss being a part of this annual all-church event! Here are FOUR great ways to get involved:
2. DONATE TO THE YOUTH FUNDRAISER. You can donate three different ways: 1-online, click the button below 2-by cash (make a note that it’s for Youth Fundraiser), or 3-check (made to Crossview, with “Youth Fundraiser” on the memo line).
3. ENTER YOUR SOUP OR CHILI ($30 ENTRY FEE). Will our judges pick your recipe as #1 or will you win the popular vote for “Crossview’s Best”? The entry fee will be used for prizes and to help cover the costs of the youth summer mission trip to the Rio Grande Valley.
4. VOLUNTEER Support through serving. Sign-up below.
By serving and supporting our team, you are making an impact in connecting youth to Jesus. Thank you! Questions? Contact Pastor Aaron via email or call 507-387-5606 ext 120.