ELEVATE WINTER RETREAT (grades 6-12) is an outreach-level youth weekend that will give youth groups opportunities to elevate growth and fellowship together. This weekend is designed for youth group students to invite non-churched friends and share the Gospel with them. Crossview Covenant Church is responsible for the programming while Lake Beauty Bible Camp is providing activities, lodging, and meals. The retreat will include tubing/sledding, laser tag, blacklight dodgeball, polar dip in the lake, worship, small group time, and more.
This is our first year trying to gather a couple of different Covenant church youth groups together for a youth retreat. We hope it will elevate our relationship with God and with one another.
The $145 cost includes ALL activities, lodging, and meals. This retreat is a perfect opportunity to invite a friend. If you need a scholarship please contact Pastor Aaron Thompson at Crossview or call 507-387-5606 ext 120.
More information will be emailed out as we get closer to the retreat.