Confirmation has always been a lasting tradition to explore God’s Word and the importance of living a Christian life. A major focus for a young teenager is learning to think for oneself and develop their own identity. Confirmation sits at the cusp of this stage of life. The end goal of Confirmation is for students to learn, reflect, and affirm their faith, yet recognizing that following Jesus is a lifelong journey filled with these things. Confirmation is not the end, rather it is the beginning of this relationship with Jesus. Confirmation is meant to propel students into the next step of their faith journey.
At Crossview, we value confirmation as an opportunity for students in 7th-11th grade to go through an intentional two years of discipleship consisting of five key components. Students are welcome to join at any time and will finish confirmation after they complete:
Attending weekly large group teachings;
Reading through and discussing the big picture of God’s story twice a month with a mentor;
Participating in our confirmation retreats;
Serving at church and in our community with others in your class, and
Completing a small paper and pastoral interview about your confirmation experience.
Confirmation meets at both of our campuses starting Sunday, September 17:
Howard Drive Campus 8:45-11:15am
Rosa Parks Campus 8:30-11:30am
Interested in joining confirmation please click on the form below: