Emergency Shelter Volunteer Training
Sunday, Nov. 17 after the Faith & Justice Seminar
First-Time Volunteers: 7:30-8:30pm
Experienced Volunteers (refresher): 7:30-8:00pm
Crossview is partnering with Connections Ministry to help provide emergency shelter for individuals in our community who are homeless. The shelter will be at Covenant Family Church this year from Oct. 14-May 25. We will provide volunteers to help with meals and hospitality for five weeks: Nov. 25-Dec. 2, Dec. 30-Jan. 6, Feb. 3-10, Mar. 16-23 and Apr. 27-May 4. This is a great opportunity to serve with your family, your small group or as an individual. Go to crossviewcov.org/homelessness-and-housing for more details on volunteer needs and to RSVP for training.