Make room for Jesus.

Advent is a season between what is and what will be. Preparing for Christmas can become busy and chaotic. We can grow restless as we wait.  What if it didn't have to be this way?  What if we paused for a moment to see what God is doing?  “Making Room” is an invitation to create room to hear from God. We believe that God is always at work that’s why we’re making space for you too.  God also wants us to have space for Jesus and for others.  Will you make room this Advent?

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Making room for Jesus by Celebrating


Making room for Jesus by Serving

Our communities have multiple ways for us to serve one another and our neighbors. Below are some options we have become aware of this Advent season. Please consider taking your friends, small group, or family to serve in one specific way this holiday season. You can even go around your neighborhood and sing carols or dream up your own idea! Enjoy the season of giving! May Jesus meet you as you are His hands and feet this year.


Making room for Jesus by Giving


Making room for Jesus by Inviting

You can change a life through an invitation. Being included is a great feeling and we want to extend that feeling to others around us. You can make room for Jesus in the lives of others you know by inviting them to join you. The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Light of the World and Jesus also told His followers, “You are the light of the world.” So this Christmas be a light by extending an invitation to those you know.

There are a couple of different ways you can invite others to join you:


Give a Paper Invite

At church, you will find a small square and larger postcard invites in the lobby & in the bulletin. Use the one you think would work best for your friends, co-workers, neighbors, and family. You can always bake cookies and/or attach a candy cane to the invite to make it extra special and personal.


Send a Text Message

Select, copy, and paste the message below to people God puts on your heart. Feel free to add their name and add what event or service (day and time) you’ll be attending and/or include one or more of the images below:

Hey! This Christmas I’m going to Crossview Covenant Church and would love for you to join me. Would you like to come?


Text an Image

Click and hold on the images below (or right-click if on a computer) and save it, then text it to others. To be helpful include the link: in the text too.


Start a Discussion

Invite your small group, family, or friend to discuss Crossview’s weekly Bible passage and questions. You can even watch that week’s sermon and then talk. Make it fun, do it with a warm cup of tea/coffee, Christmas cookies, or another favorite treat.


Crossview Howard Drive
2000 Howard Drive W, North Mankato