Crossview Covenant Church
Annual Report
July 2022 - June 2023
Dear Church Family,
As I was looking at our staff meeting notes to reflect on all of the different things that happened last year, I couldn’t help but smile. I can see kids getting their first Bible. I always love the stories of what happens when the confirmation students go away for their Fall retreat. The rhythm of small group meetings and the Project Days crew meeting consistently is a beautiful thing. I love how the seasons of Advent and Lent make us slow down and enter into different spaces than our normal, hectic lives tend to do. And then I think about how fun Christmas Eve and Easter are to come together as a community. I also looked over each of our sermon series and the two that stood out to me were called Going Deeper and our Lenten series in Acts focusing on the work of the Holy Spirit.
And those quick few sentences simply scratch the surface of how we worshipped and did life together. I know that our sermon series and all the ways we did life together and how we tried to live out the mission of God happens because we are better together. As I think about this past ministry year, I feel nostalgic. I am sitting in a coffee shop grinning with joy because I know that what God did in and through us last year makes us ready to follow more faithfully this year. To God be all the glory!
Grace and Peace,
Brad Jackson, Senior Pastor
We worship together and invite others to join us - In-Person and Online!
Our win on Sunday mornings is that we create an inspiring worship gathering that is guest-friendly and encourages people to take a next step. We say it like that because we know every Sunday there is a wide range of where people are spiritually, and we think a church family can worship in a way that honors and respects each person. We also know that worship starts when someone is walking into the building. All of our Sunday morning teams (worship, greeters, ushers, communion prep and serving, tech) work together to create that space for God’s love to be experienced.
We believe that every person belongs in a smaller community
We believe some of the best transformation in our lives happens in circles. Our primary win in community life is to love Jesus so much so that people want to connect with one another so and grow in faith together. We are better together! Here are some of the ways that we know that transformation is happening in smaller community: opportunities for connecting are accessible; leaders are developed (made & retained); people take a next step in their faith; people invite others; we cultivate a heart for generosity and hospitality.
We serve in our church, city & world
One of our pathways is serving. This involves serving one another at church and serving locally and being engaged globally. It is so much fun to look across the life of Crossview and see how there are different generations living out this pathway - teenagers opening doors and greeting. Seniors meeting on Thursday mornings to put things together for those on the margins. People who gather on Saturday mornings once a month to serve at Food for All. Every Sunday there are people of all ages serving our kids and teens. Every time we have a funeral there is an amazing group of people who make cookies and bars and serve lunch to grieving families. We could go on and on, there are so many other ways we serve, it’s hard to name them all! The most important thing to know is that every time we serve one another and serve those in need we get to be a part of mutual transformation.
We prioritize ministry to the coming generations for the future of the church
Crossview Kids
We are passionate about connecting kids to Jesus, and we do this by creating environments where kids feel safe, praying for them, and encouraging them to come back and bring friends. The NextGen team focused on building relationships with kids and giving them opportunities to connect to Jesus. We had a couple of staff changes, one of them adding Melissa Jennings as the Children’s Director at the end of the school year. During this last year we saw ministry engagement jump up to 102 kids. This was possible because of faithful volunteers who believe in the mission and passion of creating safe environments where kids get to know Jesus more!
But it didn't stop there! The kids this last year also had the chance to connect to Jesus through Vacation Bible School. Making Waves was a hit with 188 kids registered and 109 kids making a commitment to following Jesus. That was Crossview’s largest VBS yet. Church family, please know that your faithfulness, financial support, volunteering, and prayers continue to make a lifelong impact on the kids who come to Crossview. Thank you! And this mission continues as there are more kids and families in our city who need the hope of Christ.
Crossview Students
When it comes to our volunteers and youth at Crossview, one goal we had was to keep the student ministry consistent so that trusting relationships can develop. It is in an environment like that where faith can grow and is safe to ask questions. During the last school year, we saw 107 different students get connected to Crossview Student Ministries with the highest attendance being 57 and an average throughout the year, including the summer being 47. We also added a few new volunteers who consistently serve each Wednesday. The youth leaders and students continue to share their ideas about various activities that they would like to do like boardgame night, lock-in, dodgeball, etc and we noticed both an increase in leadership and in engagement.
In May 2023 we saw our first confirmation class of about 20 students complete our new 2-year program. We learned that students needed more opportunities to build relationships and more time to develop their faith. We also added a confirmation retreat at Lake Beauty. As a result of more time together along with confirmation being a 2.5-3hr Sunday experience with a lesson, group work, serving at church and attending the worship service, and turning in sermon notes—we have seen more engagement and ownership of the faith of the students. With both first-year and second-year students together at both campuses we saw about 50 students participating in confirmation at Crossview.
5Cs Preschool
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1. This was our theme for the 2022-2023 preschool year at 5Cs. Throughout each month the children focused on a day of creation along with the monthly seasonal themes we incorporated. Additionally, we integrated kindergarten readiness skills and prepared children for school in the intellectual, social, spiritual, emotional and physical areas of learning.
To that end there were 15 staff who taught, loved on and ministered to the 2-5-year-olds who attended 2, 3 or 5 days a week during the school year. We continue to count it an honor and privilege to plant seeds of faith and the knowledge of God's love with our youngest learners.
In August (2023) after 23 years, Connie Robinson retired from Directing at 5Cs. Melissa Jennings became the new Director of Crossview Kids and 5Cs Preschool.
We look ahead to all God might have for the 5Cs ministry that has been an amazing outreach ministry at Crossview since 1971.
We reach out with the hope of Jesus:
Crossview-Rosa Parks
Crossview Rosa Parks is helping more and more people connect to Jesus. 205 unique people have visited a worship service in the past year. Another 6 people have never attended a worship service but regularly attend a small group led by a Crossview Rosa Parks member. The average in-person attendance on a Sunday morning is 87 with an average of 11 devices watching online. Attendance peaked on May 7, 2023, when we had 120 people in person with 16 devices watching online.
Community: There are 8 small groups led by Crossview Rosa Parks members with 72 members. There are three additional short-term groups with 24 people involved.
Nextgen: 35% of the congregation is under 18. Students are involved in leading or helping with worship, kids ministry, production team and our host team on Sundays, plus serve in the community at local partners. In May, we graduated the very first confirmation class at Crossview Rosa Parks with 6 students. Currently there are 10 students attending confirmation.
Missions: 10 people from Crossview Rosa Parks went on the summer mission trip to the Rio Grande Valley. 6 people from Crossview Rosa Parks are going on the December mission trip to Mexico.
Finances: Rosa Parks income was $204,661.92. $22,400 of that was given by the Northwest Conference and the denomination to help start the church. That support ends December 2023. Expenses were $210,343.43. That includes $5,000 sent to Crossview Howard Drive for operation expenses and $11,225.04 of depreciation costs. Leaving $194,118.39 as the out-of-pocket cash expenses.
We lead with grace, humility, trust and joy
Members: Chuck Parsons, Kristin Baty, Scott Carlson
Mission from the Charter: The Nominating Committee shall function primarily to develop and recommend Church policy, and/or to develop long-range plans, goals, and strategies consistent with their responsibilities and duties. With approval from the Church Council, the Committee may establish and dissolve subcommittees.
What was accomplished:
Nominated four open committee and council positions that were voted into serving.
Put together a new timeline so we can look at who has served and at the future openings.
Make suggestions for open Deacon or committee spots when asked by the council
The Committee shall study, evaluate, and recommend goals, strategies, priorities, and policies for participation in service and evangelism through the Evangelical Covenant Church and other mission partners and agencies. Such goals and policies shall include not only financial support, but also active participation by groups and individuals in short-term projects as well as long-term and career assignments, both local and global.
Members: Laura, Consoer, Eric Lefeber, Matt Heiman, Shawna Hulzebos, and Aaron Thompson
We support 18 missionaries:
College & University Ministries: Cru, Intervarsity, Navigators,
Gentle Shepherds,
Czech Republic,
South Sudan,
Central America
Human Resources
HR Committee Members: Kaitlynn Steele (secretary), Eric Poppler, Judy Douglas, Colleen Van Blarcom, Pastor Brad Jackson
Mission from the charter: The Human Resource and Personnel Committee (Committee) shall function primarily to develop and recommend church policy, and/or to develop long-range plans, goals, and strategies consistent with their mandates. With approval from the Church Council (Council), the Committee may establish and dissolve subcommittees. (Bylaws Article VI, Section 1.)
What was accomplished:
Brad’s annual review with feedback from staff and council members
Staff reviews completed
All staff compensation review and wage adjustments
HR support for 5C’s transition
According to the Deacon Committee charter, “Purpose: The Deacon Committee shall function to assist the pastors in carrying on the prayer and caring ministry of the Church. The members of the Committee shall be those individuals gifted by God for the purpose of providing help and care to each member and friend of the Congregation.”
The Deacons accomplish their purpose by serving in teams each month on a rotating basis, ready to meet with anyone needing financial and/or emotional support.
Current members of the Deacon Committee are Greg Bednar, Thomas Delgado, Jay Douglas, Deland Gertner, Sheila Hall, Jenny Mountin, and Jackie Willard. Non-voting members are Libby Englehorn, Steve Baty, and Brad Jackson.
During the 2023 calendar year, the committee met six times (January through May and September). We are scheduled to meet in October, November, and December of 2023.
Budget Performance / Accomplishments:
Deacons Fund Income $17,628.00
Deacons Support Expenditures $16,856.39
Funds used for general benevolence $938.90
Funds used for direct assistance $15,917.49
Number of individuals assisted 24
Average assistance per individual $663.23
General deacons admin expense* $1,225.71
*Communion supplies, holiday supplies, gifts, etc.
Purpose: The Committee shall identify and recommend strategies which enable active financial stewardship by the Church’s Members and attenders. It shall develop, monitor, and maintain a long-term financial plan, including planning for future facility needs, subject to approval by the Council. It shall develop, recommend, and monitor policies for both operating and capital budgeting, managing cash and other financial assets of the Church, and for complying with accepted legal and accounting practices.
Members: Andrew Jelken (Chair), Brian Lynch (Secretary), Pastor Brad Jackson, Tim Hall, Larry Kuyper, Myron Erstad, and Andrea Luedtke.
What was accomplished?
In the church year ending June 30th, 2023, the committee officially met eight times with an additional meeting in February which did not have a quorum.
This was our first year working off our re-organized charters.
Began working with LeiningerCPA, Ltd. for our audited financials.
Planned and presented a comprehensive budget including:
Full-time children’s director to support the growth of kid’s ministry.
$80,000 in repairs to the facility and parking lot.
Getting our missions budget back up where we want it to support both global and local missions.
Began working alongside APX to determine the long-term building needs of our church.
Facilitated good conversations about our fourteen-acre property.
Thoughtful discussions on how we can utilize Christian financial education to make our congregation more knowledgeable givers.
Discussions to implement a plan to give to one fund to reduce restricted funds (Deacon Fund).
Maximized our debt repayment to save on interest expenses by:
Using a large one-time gift to pay down debt.
Implemented a parking lot lease to ConAgra to utilize parking spaces during the week and captured prior year rental payments for extra revenue.
Changed our long-term debt payment schedule to $7,500 every other week.
With the advice from LeiningerCPA, Ltd. we applied for and anticipate receiving nearly $300,000 in Employee Retention Credit (ERC).