Crossview Covenant Church
Annual Report

July 2020 - June 2021

Dear Church Family,
I was telling our Church Council recently that my passion is to see Crossview making disciples that look like and act like Jesus… the Jesus who we read about in the gospels, the Jesus who ultimately goes to the cross to defeat sin and death. It has been a challenging season for many of us, and as it continues to be challenging, it’s so important that we keep our focus on Jesus.

I look back on this past ministry year and am thankful for our staff and volunteers. I am grateful that we stuffed a bus full of food to take to our friends at the Echo Food Shelf. I am grateful that we ran and walked for clean water with Team World Vision at both the Global 6k and the Mankato Marathon. I am grateful for the stories that I get to hear. Stories about how you are trying to bless your neighbors and coworkers and classmates. I am grateful that you are trying to be disciples who look and act like Jesus Christ.

One of my main mentors in ministry would tell me again and again that the call of a church and a pastor is to be faithful. In a time when it is hard to measure “success” may we be faithful in following Jesus. May we be faithful to share Jesus with those around us. May we be faithful to be the church. And may all glory go to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Grace and Peace,
Brad Jackson, Senior Pastor

We worship together and invite others to join us - In-Person and Online!

Corporate worship is a vital part of our spiritual growth. When we regularly gather with other believers, we can encourage others, be encouraged, and grow together in our common faith in Jesus Christ. We are designed to worship. The theologian Hughes Oliphant Old puts it this way:

We worship God because God created us to worship him. Worship is at the center of our existence, at the heart of our reason for being. God created us to be his image—an image that would reflect his glory. In fact, the whole creation was brought into existence to reflect the divine glory. The psalmist tells us that “the heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork” (Ps. 19:1)

For thousands of years, believers have been gathering to worship God. Whether in homes, in the streets or in cathedrals, the church gathers every seven days because this rhythm was established by God as something we need. Our worship gatherings are designed to be a place where God is worshipped and our friends are comfortable coming to explore faith in a God who loves them and sent His son to save them.

We believe that every person belongs in a smaller community

At no other time in recent history has community and connection been so important. In the midst of a COVID winter, we saw our small groups mastering Zoom and figuring out safe and effective ways to connect. Garages became the new living rooms and even the less than tech savvy found themselves joining groups through Zoom from the comfort of their own homes. 

We hosted Alpha twice this past year and once also offered Alpha Marriage. Over the summer we returned to our tradition of connecting in Grill out Groups. We saw a pivot in some of our serving opportunities, but the Neighborhood Thrift Store, Connection’s Shelter and Food for All continue to be staples in our calendar. Team World Vision continued influence us and the Global 6K in May saw families engage on their own race courses to raise money for clean water.

We trust God will continue to connect us to Jesus as we meet in smaller communities, engaging with our local mission partners and even allow us to serve sisters and brothers in the Congo through World Vision. We are grateful for the creative ways volunteers and staff are helping us navigate new challenges.

We serve in our church, city & world

Ministry at Crossview just wouldn’t happen without the hundreds of volunteers who serve God by serving here, near and far, or at church, in the city or world. The Apostle Paul wrote this truth: “All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it,” (1 Corinthians 12:27). We continue to be the Body of Christ at Crossview!

Over the last year volunteers opened doors and welcomed people on Sunday mornings, led worship, delivered meals and care packages, prayed with those in the hospital, cared for children in the nursery, ran soundboards, cameras and broadcast equipment so people could worship in person or at home, prepped meals with the Wooden Spoon, cared for those experiencing homelessness with Connections Shelter, mentored Confirmation Students, and MUCH MORE. This church family faithfully served others out of our deep love for Jesus.

We served our city by partnering with 10+ local organizations like The BackPack Food Program, Neighborhood Thrift Store, Food for All, Bridges Food Pantry, Elder care with Gentle Shepherd Ministries, Holy Grounds, Salvation Army, God’s Garage, MYPlace, Connection Ministries Shelter and more. We served our church in Crossview Kids, Crossview Students, Host Teams, Worship Teams, Pastoral Care, and Small Groups, just to name a few.

“All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it,” is a biblical truth that we hope everyone at Crossview can embrace no matter who you are, where you been and what you have done. You are invited to be a part of making Crossview be the Body of Christ.  

We prioritize ministry to the coming generations for the future of the church

Crossview Kids

We are passionate about connecting kids to Jesus, and we do this by creating environments where kids feel safe, pray for them and encourage them to come back and bring friends. During the fall we were still impacted by the pandemic, however, we were happy to open the doors to kids once again in October of 2020. The nextgen team had a focus to open as many doors as possible so that any kid could connect with Jesus, no matter if they were in quarantine or able to come in person or even traveling. Kids and their parents had a chance to connect via in-person, Zoom groups, Church at Home videos online, or home packets with lessons and craft materials sent directly to the homes of families. By opening these multiple doors, kid's ministry went from a weekly engagement of 21 to 86 kids. This was possible because of faithful volunteers who believe in the mission and passion of creating safe environments where kids get to know Jesus more!

But it didn't stop there! The kids this last year also had the chance to connect others in our community to the love of Jesus. With so many seniors isolated during the pandemic, we had kids create an Easter card for each resident at the Oak Terrace Assisted Living in North Mankato. It was a blast this last year to have 75+ kids running around for the Easter egg hunt, obstacle course, outdoor games, and programming. Church family, we have been through a lot together this last year and so have our kids. Please know that your faithfulness, financial support, volunteering, and prayers continue to make a lifelong impact on the kids that come to Crossview. Thank you! And this mission continues as there are more kids and families in our city who need the hope of Christ.

Crossview Students

When it comes to our volunteers and youth at Crossview, one phrase we kept saying during the pandemic: "we are going to do as much as we can, as safe as we can." We did this because we believe that as a church we are called to effectively inspire and equip students to develop a faith of their own. This happens when they build trusting relationships with friends and leaders. The pandemic may have made developing those relationships more difficult, but it didn't make it impossible. We know this because we had over 60 youth participate in Youth Alpha, 33 of which were a part of the Holy Spirit weekend, 18 who made a significant step in their faith, and 1 student made a first-time commitment to Christ. We found that a great way to build these relationships is through fun events. This last year we had 90 students participate in our tubing event at Mount Kato, 40+ students at Nerf Wars, Lake Fun, and Valleyfair. Playing 9-Square with black lights and fun music was a hit last year too. These activities have built some good relationships that students can trust, because with trust, students are able to talk about what really matters: life and Jesus.

In October 2020 we were able to celebrate 25 students getting confirmed since we had to delay that celebration because of the shutdown. But as things opened up we were able to invite our new confirmation students on a spring retreat and celebrate 19 students being confirmed in May 2021. This last summer we did something completely different: in order to keep those relationships going we offered youth group every Wednesday night from June to August. During the summer meetings, we did a thing called StoryRunner which is retelling Bible stories through the oral tradition. This allowed the youth to memorize and engage with Scripture in a new way. What we found was a great connection with God's Word and a stronger application to the life of the students. Please keep our youth in your prayers as we together as a church connect students to Jesus. Thank you to those who volunteered and gave financially this last year to Crossview - you are making a difference.

5Cs Preschool

Throughout the 2020-2021 preschool year we were overwhelmed with God's faithfulness and His mighty hand of protection.  Our theme was "Jesus is our hero and He gives us strength".  It was a unique year that was a success simply because we were able to be open and provide much needed stability and routine for families and provide care and early childhood education for their children.  

The year was comprised of following an intensive COVID Preparedness Plan that created many changes to our "typical" 5Cs year.  Our attendance was considerably less, and we were not able to offer a toddler program.  Yet what didn't change was the outreach ministry we provide to children, encouraging our youngest learners, connecting kids to Jesus, and providing Christ centered, developmentally appropriate kindergarten readiness skills.  We pivoted in so many ways and we truly were overwhelmed and blessed with God's provision throughout the year.  

We reach out with the hope of Jesus:
Crossview-Rosa Parks Church Plant

Crossview Rosa Parks continues to connect people to Jesus. After launching Crossview Rosa Parks with online services, we started monthly in-person preview services at the AmericINN over the summer. In September we transitioned to weekly in-person worship services with an average attendance of 50 adults and children through the middle of November. In November, with COVID numbers rising and volunteer/attendance numbers falling quickly, we made the decision to move back to the Great Room. In February, we relaunched in-person services at the AmericINN. We met there throughout the spring with an average attendance of 42 including adults and children. In June, the school district re-opened their doors to public groups, and we transitioned to meeting at Rosa Parks Elementary school. Summer attendance saw an average of 45 kids and adults.

Online attendance has been slowly decreasing as more people are comfortable worshiping in person. We consistently hear new in-person visitors talk about how their online experience helped them to come to church in-person.

One thing that has changed significantly at Crossview Rosa Parks is who worships with us. Over 50% of the congregation at Crossview Rosa Parks was not a part of Crossview before we started and many of them were not attending a church before coming to Crossview Rosa Parks.

Serving at Crossview Rosa Parks is amazing! We have over 40 people who regularly serve at church on Sunday mornings. Kids and adults are involved in serving at church. Even more exciting is that many who are still on their spiritual journey are serving regularly. As we like to say, serving is one of the primary ways people are getting connected to Jesus at Crossview Rosa Parks. In the community, we started a partnership with MY Place, serving the kids and staff once a month.

We lead with grace, humility, trust and joy


Each year the Nominating Committee prayerfully seeks out and recommends to the congregation candidates to fill various elected positions within our church leadership. In 2020, open positions included the Church Chair, At-Large Council Members, an at-large Missions committee member, and an at-large Nominating committee member. Nominating also recommended Deacon candidates to the church council for appointment. The committee focuses on candidates who love the Lord, are of Godly character, who have the gift of leadership, and who are willing to invest in Kingdom work. Through prayerful discernment, names are brought forth to fill the positions. God continues to supply our congregation with faithful, humble and dedicated members willing to serve in leadership.

Human Resources

Our Human Resources Committee provides guidance and accountability for the human resource functions for church employees. The Committee is grateful for the ongoing guidance provided by Chris Willard and Pastor Brad Jackson. In the past year, HR:

  • Assisted in Pastor Brad’s review and ensured that staff reviews were completed

  • Provided support through various personnel changes

  • Provided approval through hiring processes

  • Offered guidance related to employee issues related to COVID-19


The Deacon Committee serves as a liaison between the church and the financial needs of our community. We help church members in times of financial strain, but we also encourage church members to seek out people in their lives that would be blessed by financial help.

This past fiscal year the Deacons supported 20 individuals and families with specific financial needs. The needs may occur as a result of many circumstances including job loss, unexpected repairs/medical bills, or family emergencies. We have supported families through plumbing and air conditioning crises, as well as helping with utility bills when they just couldn’t make ends meet. We have helped with car repairs, and we want to give a special shout-out to Greg’s Champion Auto for helping us help people in need.

The most memorable benevolence requests are those with family emergencies. The Deacons have helped to pay for family travel, lodging, and other funeral expenses for families in need. We have supported families with unexpected medical and dental bills. We paid for lodging for a mother whose child was in a hospital out of town.

We want you to know that we are all in this together, as one body, so please contact us if you need help (there is a link on Crossview’s homepage).  We would not be able to provide this ministry without your generous donations. Thank you from the Deacons and all the individuals and families that you have blessed this year!


Fiscal Responsibility: The Stewardship Committee monitors the financial and other assets of the church. One of the ways we ensure that we are adhering to best practices is through annual audits by Abdo, Eick, and Meyers Accounting, and through the use of an outside bookkeeping firm, Belay Solutions Group, experts in church and non-profit finance who are serving over 500 clients across the country. The audit of our 2020/2021 financials is in process, and copies will be available by request in the church office.

Crossview Covenant Church

Connecting people to Jesus so they can connect Jesus to their world.